Year |
Title |
Author |
Organization |
Conference/Journal |
Vol. No |
Pages |
Program |
2019 |
Visualization for Investigations on Structure of Secondary Flow Vortex within Highly Loaded Turbine Cascade |
Masanori Tsutsumi, Norihiko Watanabe and Koichi Kinoshita |
Sojo University |
Proceedings of the 10th TSME International Conference on Mechanical Engineering (Thai Society of Mechanical Engeneers) |
- |
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SC/Tetra |
2019 |
Efficient gradient stencils for robust implicit finite-volume solver convergence on distorted grids |
HiroakiNishikawa |
National Institute of Aerospace, Hampton, VA 23666, USA |
Journal of Computational Physics |
386 |
486-501 |
scFLOW |
2019 |
Prediction of airway resistance in panel cave mines using a discrete and continuum model |
Kayode M.Ajayi, Khosro Shahbazi |
Department of Mechanical Engineering, USA |
International Journal of Mining Science and Technology |
- |
- |
SC/Tetra |
2019 |
Fei Dong, Taotao Cao |
School of Automotive and Traffic Engineering, Jiangsu University, China |
Journal of Enhanced Heat Transfer |
26 |
37-57 |
SC/Tetra |
2019 |
Effect of plate mounted between two wires in electric arc spray |
Ryoji Tamaki, MasashiYamakawa |
Daihen Co., Ltd., Kyoto Institute of Technology, Japan |
Journal of Computational Science |
32 |
56--67 |
SC/Tetra |
2019 |
A Development of the Prediction and Optimization Tool for Wiper High Speed Performance |
Hunjae Kim |
Hyundai Motor Company |
Asia-Pacific Automotive Engineering Conference |
- |
7 |
SC/Tetra |
2019 |
The effect of the entrance hub geometry on the efficiency in an axial flow fan |
Jung Jae Hyuk, JooWon-Gua |
School of Mechanical Engineering, Yonsei University, Republic of Korea. Air Solution Lab., LG Electronics Co. Ltd., Republic of Korea |
International Journal of Refrigeration |
101 |
90-97 |
SC/Tetra |
2019 |
Simplifying Techniques Applied to Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling of Methane Explosions |
Laura Steeves |
University of Kentucky, USA |
Master of Science in Mining Engineering |
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SC/Tetra |
2019 |
Dynamic Models in Atmospheric Monitoring Signal Evaluation for Safety, Health and Cost Benefits |
G. L. Danko, W. K. Asante |
Mining and Metallurgical Engineering DepartmentUniversity of NevadaReno, USA |
Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration |
- |
1--18 |
SC/Tetra |
2019 |
Unsteady RANS simulation of three-stage centrifugal pumps with different impeller-diffuser gaps |
T Takamine, S Watanabe |
Graduate School of Engineering, Kyushu University, Japan. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kyushu University, Japan |
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science |
vol.240, no.9 |
92002 |
SC/Tetra |
2019 |
Analysis on hub vortex and the improvement of hub shape for noise reduction in an axial flow fan |
Jae HyukJung, Won-GuJoo |
Air Solution Lab., LG Electronics Co., Ltd. School of Mechanical Engineering, Yonsei University |
Inter-noise2019 |
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SC/Tetra |
2019 |
Performance evaluation of single-sided natural ventilation for generic building using large-eddy simulations: Effect of guide vanes and adjacent obstacles |
Yuki Arinami, Shin-ichi Akabayashi |
Architecture Program, Faculty of Engineering, Niigata University, Niigata, Japan/ Graduate School of Science and Technology, Niigata University, Niigata, Japan |
Building and Environment |
154 |
68-80 |
2019 |
A parametric study of angular road patterns on pedestrian ventilation in high-density urban areas |
Yueyang He, AbelTablada |
Department of Architecture, School of Design and Environment, National University of Singapore, 4 Architecture Drive, 117566, Singapore |
Building and Environment |
151 |
'251-267 |
2019 |
Validation of Unsteady CFD considering Thermal Load. Fluctuation in Office Room |
K Fukada, M Miyata |
SHINRYO CORPORATION, Ibaraki, Japan. National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management, Ibaraki, Japan |
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science |
238 |
12033 |
2018 |
A Study of Groove Pulsation Noise Reduction by Simple Aerodynamic Modelling of a Tire Rolling on Porous Pavement |
Ishihama Masao, Miyoshi, Kosuke |
Kanagawa University, Japan. Isuzu Motor, Japan |
INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings |
- |
4989-5999 |
SC/Tetra |
2018 |
A Tailored Nonlinear Slat-Cove Filler for Airframe Noise Reduction |
Gaetano Arena, William Scholten |
University of Bristol, Bristol, UK. Texas A&M University, USA |
ASME 2018 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent System |
- |
V001T03A017 |
SC/Tetra |
2018 |
Three-Dimensional Visualization of Flow Characteristics Using a Magnetic Resonance Imaging in a Lattice Cooling Channel |
Tomoko Tsuru, Katsuhiko Ishida |
Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd |
Journal of Turbomachinery |
141, issue 6 |
- |
SC/Tetra |
2018 |
Valuation Of Implanted-Stent Impact On Coronary Artery Trifurcation Blood Flow By Using CFD |
Kazushi Fujimoto, Takahiro Tsukahara |
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tokyo University of Science |
2018 40th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC) |
- |
3181-3184 |
SC/Tetra |
2018 |
Numerical investigation of lift-force generation on a moving circular cylinder in a uniform flow driven by longitudinal vortex |
Withun Hemsuwan, Kasumi Sakamoto |
Graduate School of EngineeringNagaoka University of TechnologyNiigataJapan. Department of Science of Technology InnovationNagaoka University of Technology, Japan |
Journal of Fluids and Structures |
83 |
448-470 |
SC/Tetra |
2018 |
Lift and Drag Forces With Respect to Azimuth Position of a Darrieus Wind Turbine |
Sajid Ali, Sang-Moon Lee |
University of Science & Technology, Daejeon, South Korea, Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology, Goyang, South Korea |
ASME 2018 5th Joint US-European Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting |
1 |
V001T13A003 |
SC/Tetra |
2018 |
Development and verification of a component-level hydrogen transport model for a DEMO-like HCPB breeder unit with OpenFOAM |
VolkerPasler, FrederikArbeiter |
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany |
Fusion Engineering and Design |
127 |
249-258 |
SC/Tetra |
2018 |
Effect of tip clearance, winglets, and shroud height on the tip leakage in axial flow fans |
Jae HyukJung, Won-GuJoo |
School of Mechanical Engineering, Yonsei University, Republic of Korea. Air Solution Laboratory, LG Electronics Co. Ltd., Republic of Korea |
International Journal of Refrigeration |
93 |
195-204 |
SC/Tetra |
2018 |
Yukari Hirayama, Takashi Asawa |
Misawa Homes Institute of Research and Development, Tokyo Institute of Technology |
Grand renewable energy 2018 |
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2018 |
Elucidation of jet phenomena in electric arc spraing through CFD and Shlieren system |
R. Tamaki, Y.Imai, M. Yamakawa |
Daihen Co., Ltd, Software Cradle Co., Ltd, Kyoto Institute of Technology |
The 29th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena |
SC/Tetra |
2018 |
CFD Analysis of the Effect of Porosity, Quantity and Emanating Power Variation on Gas Emissions in Block/Panel Cave Mines |
Rahul BhargavaPurushotham Tukkaraja |
South Dakota School of Mines and Technology |
Proceedings of the 11th International Mine Ventilation Congress |
838-849 |
SC/Tetra |
2018 |
Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology |
18 |
SC/Tetra |
2018 |
Fluid structure interaction simulations of the upper airway in obstructive sleep apnea patients before and after maxillomandibular advancement surgery |
Kwang K.Chang |
Center for Advanced Dental Education, Saint Louis University |
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics |
153 |
895-904 |
SC/Tetra |
2018 |
Cavitation analyses of DTMB 4119 propeller with LSM and URANS approach |
S. Sezen, S. Bal |
Yildiz Technical University,Istanbul Technical University |
SC/Tetra |
2018 |
A multiscale computational modeling for cerebral blood flow with aneurysms and/or stenoses |
Hongtao Yu, George P |
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering |
SC/Tetra |
2018 |
Numerical and Experimental Study of Finned Tube Heat Transfer Characteristics |
Mate Petrik |
Vehicle and Automotive Engineering |
563-570 |
SC/Tetra |
2018 |
Numerical investigation of the effectiveness of radon control measures in cave mines |
Kayode Ajayi |
Department of Mechanical Engineering |
SC/Tetra |
2018 |
Comparison of airflow-uniformity in different ceiling-diffuser designs with various concentric circles in shrimp freezer using CFD |
Chanya Uraijaree |
Department of Mechanical Engigeering, Faculty of Engineering, Khon Kaen University |
Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science |
SC/Tetra |
2018 |
Effects of instantaneous tangential velocity on the aerodynamic performance of an H-Darrieus wind turbine |
Sajid Ali |
Smart City Construction Engineering, University of Science & Technology |
SC/Tetra |
2018 |
Prediction of the Noise Reduction by Shroud Shape and the Characteristics of Flow-induced Noise Generated in an Axial Flow Fan |
Tae-Gyun Lim |
CEDIC Co., Ltd. |
International Journal of Fluid Machinery and Systems |
11 |
181-190 |
SC/Tetra |
2018 |
Effect of tip clearance, winglets, and shroud height on the tip leakage in axial flow fans |
Jae HyukJung, Won-GuJoo |
Yonsei University, LG Electronics Co. Ltd |
International Journal of Refrigeration |
SC/Tetra |
2018 |
Performance Evaluation of a Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Using Real-Time Measuring Wind Data |
Choon-Man Jang, Chul-Kyu Kim |
Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Engineering, Construction Environment EngineeringUniversity of Science and Technology |
Transition Towards 100% Renewable Energy |
187-195 |
SC/Tetra |
2018 |
Lift Force Generation of a Moving Circular Cylinder with a Strip-Plate Set Downstream in Cruciform Arrangement: Flow Field Improving Using Tip Ends |
Withun Hemsuwan, Kasumi Sakamoto, Tsutomu Takahashi |
Nagaoka University of Technology |
International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences |
1–12 |
SC/Tetra |
2018 |
Influence of Stroke on Performance Characteristics of Synthetic Jet Fan |
NishibeK, Nomura, Y |
Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics |
11, Issue 4 |
945-956 |
SC/Tetra |
2018 |
Vector Control of Synthetic Jets Using an Asymmetric Slot |
Ryota Kobayashi, Koichi Nishibe |
Kogakuin University |
Journal of Fluids Engineering |
140 |
SC/Tetra |
2018 |
Effects of hole shape on impingement jet array heat transfer with small-scale, target surface triangle roughness |
PatrickMcInturff, MasaakiSuzuki |
University of Alabama in Huntsville |
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer |
127 |
585-597 |
SC/Tetra |
2018 |
Parametric Study via Numerical Simulations of Natural Convection in Laterally Heated Cylindrical Enclosures: Investigating Characteristic Length |
David Matthew Hirt |
The University of Akron |
SC/Tetra |
2018 |
Detecting the functional complexities between high-density lipoprotein mimetics |
Yoshitaka J.Sei, Jungho Ahn, Taeyoung Kim |
Georgia Institute of Technology |
Biomaterials |
170 |
58-69 |
SC/Tetra |
2018 |
Elucidation of Mechanism for Reducing Porosity in Electric Arc Spraying through CFD |
Ryoji Tamaki, Masashi Yamakawa |
Daihen Co., Ltd, Kyoto Institute of Technology |
International Conference on Computational Science |
LNCS 10860 |
418-428 |
SC/Tetra |
2017 |
Application of Immersed Boundary Method with Wall Injection for Solid Rocket Motor Internal Flow |
Hirose, Takuya and Ogawa, Shinichiro and Sasaki, Daisuke and Fukushima, Yuma and Obayashi, Shigeru |
AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference |
1944 |
SC/Tetra |
2017 |
A Research on the Airflow Efficiency Analysis according to the Variation of the Geometry Tolerance of the Sirocco Fan Cut-off for Air Purifier |
Jeon-gi Lee, Choul-jun Choi, Nam-su Kwak, Su-sang Park and In-pyo Cha |
Korea Electronics Technology Institute |
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research |
12 |
9757-9762 |
SC/Tetra |
2017 |
Automotive Water Pump Methodology using Head Pump and Rotor Power for Correlations |
Luiz Guilherme de Oliveira e Caldeira, Bruno Cesar Pockszevnicki |
26th SAE BRASIL Inernational Congress and Display |
9 |
SC/Tetra |
2017 |
An investigation into computational modelling of cavitation in a propeller's slipstream |
Yimaz, Naz and Khorasanchi, Mahdiand Atlar |
Fifth International Symposium on Marine Propulsion |
SC/Tetra |
2017 |
Computational study for noise reduction and characteristic of unsteady flow field/flow-induced noise generated in a small radial fan |
Tae-Gyun Lim, Wan-Ho Jeon, Gaku Minorikawa |
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology |
31 |
5337-5345 |
SC/Tetra |
2017 |
Modification of Eddy-Viscosity Turbulence Model considering Boundary Layer Transition for predicting Ship Hull Wake Flow |
Keita Fujiyama, Tomohiro Waku, Tomohiro Irie, Nobuhiro Hasuike |
Software Cradle Co., Ltd, Nakashima Propeller Co., Ltd, |
Fifth International Symposium on Marine Propulsors |
SC/Tetra |
2017 |
Characteristics of unsteady flow field and flow-induced noise in outdoor unit of an air conditioner |
Tae-Gyun Lim, Jae Hyuk Jung, Wan-Ho Jeon, Won-GuJoo, Gaku Minorikawa |
5000-5996 |
SC/Tetra |
2017 |
Numerical Prediction of Acoustic Noise Level Induced by Cavitation on Ship Propeller at Behind-Hull Condition |
Keita Fujiyama, Yoshitaka Nakashima |
Software Cradle Co., Ltd |
Fifth International Symposium on Marine Propulsion |
SC/Tetra |
2017 |
SC/Tetra |
2017 |
Difference in vascular response between sirolimus-eluting- and everolimus-eluting stents in ostial left circumflex artery after unprotected left main as observed by optical coherence tomography |
Yusuke Fujino, Guilherme F.Attizzani, Satoko Tahara, Toru Naganumaa |
Department of Cardiology, New Tokyo Hospital, University Hospitals Case Medical Center, Case Western Reserve University |
International journal of cardiology |
230 |
284-292 |
SC/Tetra |
2017 |
Scale effects of marine propellers in POT and self propulsion test conditions |
Nobuhiro Hasuike, Masafumi Okazaki, Akinori Okazaki and Keita Fujiyama |
Nakashima Propeller Co., Ltd, Software Cradle Co., Ltd. |
SC/Tetra |
2017 |
Computational Investigation of Secondary Flow Structures in Low Pressure Turbines |
Jacob Sharpe, Philip Bear, Mitch Wolf |
Wright State University |
55th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting |
108 |
SC/Tetra |
2017 |
CFD Engineering Hungary, Nemak Fgyor Aluminium Foundary Ltd |
Materials Science and Engineering |
42 |
29-35 |
SC/Tetra |
2017 |
3D CFD Investigation of Low Pressure Turbine Aerodynamics |
Jacob Sharpe |
Wright State University |
SC/Tetra |
2017 |
Robust manufacturing of lipid-polymer nanoparticles through feedback control of parallelized swirling microvortices |
Michael J.Toth, Taeyoung Kim, YongTae Kim |
George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering |
Lab on a Chip |
17 |
2805-2813 |
SC/Tetra |
2017 |
Blood flow competition after aortic valve bypass: an evaluation using computational fluid dynamics |
Koji Kawahito, Naoyuki Kimura, Kenji Komiya |
Jichi Medical University, Omiya Medical Center, Saitama University |
Oxford Academic |
SC/Tetra |
2017 |
Effects of high-frequency damping on iterative convergence of implicit viscous solver |
Hiroaki Nishikawa, Yoshitaka Nakashima, Norihiko Watanabe |
Natinal Institute of Aerospace, Software Cradle |
Journal of Computational Physics |
348 |
66-81 |
- |
2017 |
Experimentation and Computational Assessment of an SMA-Based Slat-Cove Filler For Noise Reduction in a High Lift Wing |
William Scholten, Ryan Patterson, Darren Hartl, Thomas Strganac |
Texas A&M University, College Station, TX |
25th AIAA/AHS Adaptive Structures Conference, AIAA SciTech Forum, (AIAA 2017-0732) |
732 |
- |
SC/Tetra |
2017 |
Computational and Experimental Fluid-Structure Interaction Analysis of a High-Lift Wing with a Slat-Cove Filler for Noise Reduction |
William Scholten, Ryan Patterson, Darren Hartl, Thomas Strganac |
Texas A&M University, College Station, TX |
2017 AIAA SciTech Forum, 23-26 Jan. 2017 |
- |
13 |
SC/Tetra |
2017 |
Cavitation analysis of DTMB4119 propeller with LSM and URANS approach |
S. Sezen, S. Bal |
Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul Technical University |
Maritime Transportation and Harvesting of Sea Resources – Guedes Soares & Teixeira |
- |
- |
SC/Tetra |
2017 |
Cydlindrical Multiple Target Surface Roughness Effects On Impingement Jet Array Surface Heat Transfer |
Z.Ren, Phillip.M.Ligrani |
University of Alabama, Huntsville |
53rd AIAA/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference Atlanta |
- |
- |
SC/Tetra |
2017 |
Influences of target surface small-scale rectangle roughness on impingement jet array heat transfer |
(1)Warren C. Buzzard, Zhong Ren, Phillip M. Ligrani, (2)Chiyuki Nakamura, Satoshi Ueguchi |
(1)University of Alabama, Huntsville , (2)IHI Corporation, Japan |
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer |
110 |
805-816 |
SC/Tetra |
2017 |
Computational study for noise reduction and characteristic of unsteady flow field/flow-induced noise generated in a small radial fan |
(1)Tae-Gyun-Lim, Wan-Ho Jeon, (2)Gaku Minorikawa |
(1)CEDIC Co. Ltd, (2)Hosei University |
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology |
Vol 31, Issue 11 |
5337-5345 |
SC/Tetra |
2017 |
Influences of Target Surface Cylindrical Roughness on Impingement Jet Array Heat Transfer: Effects of Roughness Height, Roughness shape, and Reynolds Number |
Z. Ren, W. Buzzard, P. M. Ligrani |
University of Alabama in Huntsville |
ASME 2016 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition |
8 |
10pages |
SC/Tetra |
2017 |
Simulation and Optimization on Oscillating Cooling Characteristics in High-Enhanced Piston Oil Cooling Gallery |
Nanling Zhu, Fei Dong, Mingjing Zong |
- |
SAE International |
- |
6 |
SC/Tetra |
2017 |
An investigation into computational modeling of cavitation in a propeller's slipstream |
Naz Yilmaz, Mahdi Khorasanchi, Mehmet Atlar |
University of Strathclyde |
Fifth International Symposium on Marine Propulsion |
- |
- |
SC/Tetra |
2017 |
Hyperbolic Navier-Strokes Solver for Three-Dimensional Flows |
Yoshitaka Nakashima, Hiroaki Nishikawa |
Software Cradle Co., Ltd, National Institute of Aerospace |
- |
30 |
SC/Tetra |
2017 |
Quantification of ventilation enhancement using the Eye CAN roof support |
Michael Shook, Mark Sindelar |
Burrell Mining Products, Inc., West Virginia University |
International Journal of Mining Science and Technology |
Vol 27. Issue 1 |
153-158 |
SC/Tetra |
2017 |
An Investigation of Three-Dimensional Flow over an Undulating Inflatable Wing |
Josha R. Beltz, Grant Spencer etc. |
Parks College of Engineering, Aviation and Technology, Saint Louis University |
- |
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- |
SC/Tetra |
2016 |
Computational fluid dynamics for the assessment of upper airway changes in skeletal Class III patients treated with mandibular setback surgery |
Darshit H. Shah, Ki Beom Kim, Mark W. McQuilling, Reza Movahed, etc., |
St Louis University |
86 |
976-982 |
SC/Tetra |
2016 |
A Research on the Airflow Efficiency Analysis according to the Varidation of the Geometry Tolerance of the Sirocco Fan Cut-off for Air Purifer |
Jeon-gi Lee, Choul-jun Choi, Gwangju |
Korea Electronics Technology Institute |
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research |
12 |
9757-9762 |
SC/Tetra |
2016 |
Noise Reduction in a High Lift Wing Using SMAs: Computational Fluid-Structural Analysis |
William Scholten, Ryan Patterson, Darren Hartl, Thomas Strganac |
Texas A&M University, College Station, TX |
ASME 2016 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems |
1 |
11 pages |
SC/Tetra |
2016 |
Simulationg temperature inversions in surface mines using computational fluid dynamics |
Purushotham Tukkaraja, Manoj Keerthipati, Adam French |
South Dakota School of Mines and Technology |
Proceedings of the South Dakota Academy of Science |
95 |
119-124 |
SC/Tetra |
2016 |
Influence of the side-by-side arrangement on the performance of a small Savonius wind turbiner |
(1)Choon-Man Jang, Sang-Moon Lee, (2)Jang-Ho Lee |
(1)Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology, (2)Kunsan National University |
Renewable Energy and Environmental Sustainability |
1 |
- |
SC/Tetra |
2016 |
How does flow recruit epibionts onto brachiopod shells? Insights into reciprocal interactions within the symbiotic framework |
Yuta Shiino, Yuki Tokuda |
Niigata University |
Palaeoworld |
vol. 25 issue 4 |
page 675-683 |
SC/Tetra |
2016 |
Performance Evaluation of Marine Propeller using Numerical Simulation |
(1)Veeranagouda Patil, H. R. Purushothama, (2)A. Manjunatha, Vijay Kumar Mishra |
(1)Siddaganga Institute of Technology, (2)Contra Volts Infotech Pvt Ltd |
Indian Journal of Science & Technology |
Vol. 9, issue 45 |
5pages |
SC/Tetra |
2016 |
Wind Resource Assessment for High-Rise BIWT Using RS-NWP-CFD |
(1)Hyun-Goo Kim, (2)Wan-Ho Jeon and (3) Dong-Hyeok Kim |
(1)Korea Institute of Energy Research, (2)CEDIC Co. Ltd, (3)Chungnam Institute |
Remote Sensing |
Vol. 8, Issue12 |
page 1019 |
SC/Tetra |
2016 |
Performance Evaluation of a Small Darius Wind Turbine Installed at Duckjeok Island in Korea |
Sang-Moon Lee, Choon-Man Jang |
Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology |
ASME 3rd Symposium on the Fluid Dynamics of Wind Energy |
- |
6pages |
SC/Tetra |
2016 |
CFD analysis of strut influence on blood flow in stent-implanted left main coronary artery bifurcation |
(1)Yuya Yamada, Takahiro Tsukahara, Masahiro Motosuke, (2)Yusuke Fujino |
(1)Tokyo University of Science, (2)New Tokyo Hospital |
2016 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC) |
- |
- |
SC/Tetra |
2016 |
Characteristics of unsteady flow field and flow-induced noise for an axial cooling fan used in a rack mount server computer |
Lim, Tae-Gyun,Jeon, Wan-Ho, Minorikawa, Gaku |
CEDIC Co., Seoul |
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology |
30 |
4601-4607 |
SC/Tetra |